Sponsor Registration Page

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Sponsor of our 2023 GFWC Home Tour.  Your involvement will enable us to continue assisting our local community charities.  To register as a sponsor using PayPal, please select your sponsorship level and select Pay Now below.  Please enter your company name as you would like it on our advertisement in the PayPal Description field and select the your Sponsorship Level  ($750, $500 or $250).

Sponsorship Level

To learn more about Sponsorship Levels, please click here – GFWC 2023 Sponsorship Information.

Each Sponsor must include a completed Registration form.  Please click here for the form – GFWC 2023 Sponsorship Registration.

If you have not yet had a chance to complete this form, print or download a copy, fill it out and mail it to GFWC-TV, PO Box 507, Lenoir City, TN 37771 or attach your copy to your email and send to [email protected].

Thank you again for your interest in becoming a Sponsor of our 2023 GFWC Home Tour.